Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Kon-Boot for Windows

The Kon-Boot password hacking tool has to be the easiest, and fastest, free Windows password recovery tool I've used. It's actually a password reset tool as many of these programs, like ONTP&RE and PC Login Now, are.

However, Kon-boot works in an entirely different way than those other Windows password reset/deleting tools so it's an excellent alternative if they haven't worked out for you.

Just download the free ISO file, burn it to a disc, boot from the disc, and you'll be back into Windows in a few minutes.


  • Easiest password reset tool available
  • Software is freely available
  • ISO image is smallest of any free password recovery or reset tool
  • No access to Windows or knowledge of old password is needed
  • Works with Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, and some Windows Server OS's


  • Access to another PC required to burn ISO file
  • Occasional issues with Windows 7 in my experience
  • Not supported on 64-bit Windows operating systems [1]


  • Kon-Boot will temporarily remove the password on nearly any 32-bit version of Windows including Windows 7, Windows Vista, and Windows XP.
  • No installation is required - all password resetting is done from bootable disc or flash drive.
  • Kon-Boot is easy and fast, making the password reset task in Windows one of the most efficient I've seen.
  • ISO download is very small, a stark contrast to the huge download required for a true password recovery program like Ophcrack.
